Crime & Gangster Film By: Alejandro Carranque
Crime and Gangster films are developed around the actions of a single or a group of criminals. Their criminal activities typically range
from drug dealing, drug smuggling, bank robbing, murder, theft, bank robbing, and other forms of usually organized crime.
These films usually show and highlight the journey of the rise and fall of the criminals.They illustrate the criminal’s conflict with the justice system,
another criminal or criminal organizations, and oftentimes with themselves. The protagonist in these films are almost always the leading criminal.
They are characterized as highly materialistic, hyper-competitive, ruthless, powerful, clever and self-destructive. This criminal often has a fatal
flaw that will bring the downfall to their success. This fatal flaw can be an internal conflict, an emotional instability, addiction, or ignorance
to a rising issue. Even though the protagonist in these films are often savage and immoral, audiences often identify with them and root for
them throughout the film. This is because the movie illustrates their come-up and shows the story from their point-of-view. The film then
dramatizes the character’s inevitable fall from power before ending.
Crime and Gangster films are developed around the actions of a single or a group of criminals. Their criminal activities typically range
from drug dealing, drug smuggling, bank robbing, murder, theft, bank robbing, and other forms of usually organized crime.
These films usually show and highlight the journey of the rise and fall of the criminals.They illustrate the criminal’s conflict with the justice system,
another criminal or criminal organizations, and oftentimes with themselves. The protagonist in these films are almost always the leading criminal.
They are characterized as highly materialistic, hyper-competitive, ruthless, powerful, clever and self-destructive. This criminal often has a fatal
flaw that will bring the downfall to their success. This fatal flaw can be an internal conflict, an emotional instability, addiction, or ignorance
to a rising issue. Even though the protagonist in these films are often savage and immoral, audiences often identify with them and root for
them throughout the film. This is because the movie illustrates their come-up and shows the story from their point-of-view. The film then
dramatizes the character’s inevitable fall from power before ending.
Crime and Gangster films usually utilize many low angle and high angle shots. This is done to portray the characters’ power and authority role
in the film. Close-up and extreme close-up shots are also often used. They are used to emphasize the expressions and emotions of characters
without having to rely on dialogue. It also greatly develops the personality of characters by giving insight on their mindset. Dolly movements are
also used to often to show momentum in scenes of action. Dolly zooms are also used to illustrate a moment of realization or shock in a character.
Crime and Gangster movies take place in highly-populated cities, often commencing in more impoverished parts of the city and ending in a more
wealthy place. The location is important part of the film’s plot, affecting through the city’s culture, people, and ambiance. These movies often
include many fast cut, fast pace action scenes. Though different from action movies, the fast pace is also balance by having elongated dialogue.
These dialogue scenes often utilize the 180 degree rule and shot-reverse-shot. Crime and gangster films use continuity editing and portray realism.
Crime and Gangster films are targeted to people of ages 15-30. These movies are advertised more to the male gender.
This is males’ attraction to crime, violence and action. Crime movies often have very attractive women starring in female roles.
This is done to attract more men to the film.
Scarface commences with an introduction to Tony Montana, the protagonist who is a Cuban refugee in Miami. Tony's journey begins in the city,
working in a restaurant cleaning dishes until he is offered to take part in a small drug deal. He is successful in the drug deal and begins
working his way up in the drug world. Montana is a cold-hearted individual, which helps him grow as a criminal. He is ruthless, giving no 2nd chances
to his enemies. He grows addicted to his own product which begins a series of events that leads to his doom. He ends up murdering his best friend,
losing his wife, and is finally killed by his own drug supplier.
The Godfather
This film is about the Corleone family and Michael Corleone’s rise to power. Michael begins as a foot-soldier in his family’s organization.
By murdering a man linked to an attempted assassination on his father, he proves himself as a worthy candidate to becoming the next Godfather.
He becomes the Godfather and continues to lead the family to success. Michael is a cold hearted, strict leader and makes several enemies.
He even kills his brother who began to betray him. Michael becomes obsessed with power, spending little time with his wife and kids.
He loses his wife due to this. As he grows older the family’s power grows too. They become highly involved with politics and other huge operations.
Michael makes a deal with the Vatican’s treasury in hope to become one of the richest families in the world. Even as a weak old man who has
struggling health, he is still obsessed with power and wants to gain more. The deal falls through once the Pope is assassinated.
There is an attempted assassination on Michael that goes wrong. His daughter ends up being killed and he is devastated.
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