Sunday, March 3, 2019

Research 3

Our group also had some inspiration from a film that uses a technique we are trying to use. This film opening is from Lawrence of Arabia. This film begins with a scene which then transitions to a flashback. We will like to replicate this technique similarly in our opening. This flashback in the Lawrence of Arabia, flashes back into the present. In our opening , instead of this, we will flashback into the veteran's servitude in war.

Our group has been researching flashbacks and how they are utilized in films. We learned that flashbacks are a function of the character, and not of the story. While showing a flashback, the screen shows in present time what the character is thinking about. To this character, this event shown presently onscreen occurred in his past. Flashback's are used to give insight, make connection between the event and the character.

For our scene, we will be using an extreme close-up, similar to the one used in the opening of Saving Private Ryan. This will give a dramatic transition from the present, into the character's past.

For our character, we will be using a young veteran. This veteran has come home from a more recent war, probably Afghanistan. This veteran role will likely be played by Dio's brother. By using a young character, I believe the film will be more impactful. We will be showing how all people can be a victim of PTSD and how serious the effects can affect a person's life, no matter of age.

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